August 21, 2010

The Expendables Mexican Poster and Back To The Future

Only one word can describe the latest masterpiece of Sylvester Stallone and that is AWESOME!!.. Sylvester really full the plug and perfectly bringing back the real action the way they did it back on 80's and 90's with the help of new breed action star like Statham and Rourke

expendables movie poster mexican

Right now the talk of making of Expendables 2 is on its way hoping of more additional action star like Jean Claude Van Damme and Steven Seagal and for the new I hope to see Matt Damon or Vin Diesel.

Just feeling nostalgic when I first see this poster of Back To The Future. I've never got a chance to see this awesome movie of Michael J. Fox. Who ever got the idea of bringing this movie back in cinemas on digital version thank you very much.

back to the future back in cinemas october 1st

Mark your calendar on October 1, 2010 hoping to see this film on IMAX

August 05, 2010

Avengers Teaser Trailer - Comic Con

Look likes the Comic Con 2010 is giving all the way, first a teaser trailer of Thor (but it was too much for a teaser trailer I guess) and now the Teaser Trailer of The Avengers this time its a real teaser trailer with Samuel Jackson narrating as Nick Fury.

this video wont last long coz Marvel is on it's way deleting all trailer showned in Comic Con 2010